4 Seats Shoptech E2 Manufacturing ERP Software
2 seat PC DMIS Cad++ Inspection Software
2 seats _Camworks Solids Mill & Lathe with Auto Feature Recognition
3D Milling
5 Axis machining
1 seat Altegra Gage Manager
1 seat Renishaw Inspection Plus Software


Fanuc Robodrill

Tsudakoma 5 axis rotary trunnion 24000 RPM 20.00 X 16.00 X 13.00 X,Y,Z travel 21 tools

Mazak Variaxis C600 with 18 pallet automation cell

Full simultaneous 5 axis
600mm pallet size
20,000 RPM spindle 56HP cat 40 Spindle 
Thru spindle coolant
120 tools
Full spindle and table probing
25”X21”X21” XYZ Travel
C axis is 360 degrees
B axis is 150 degrees

1ea Mazak VCU 500A 2PC

12,000 rpm 25hp Cat40 spindle
30 tool magazine
Renishaw OTS spindle and table probe
20”x 20”x20” travel
2 Pallet

2ea Mazak VCU 400A 5X

Simultaneous 5 axis
12,000 rpm 25hp Cat40 Spindle
30 tool magazine
Renishaw OTS spindle and table probe
20”x16”x20” XYZ travel
400MM 360 degree rotatory
+95 degree -45 degree trunnion

1ea Mazak VCN 700 D

12,000 rpm 25hp Cat40 spindle
48 tool magazine
Renishaw OTS spindle and table probe
60”x 28”x 28” travel

1ea Mazak VCS 530

12,000 rpm 25hp Cat40 spindle
30 tool magazine
Renishaw OTS spindle and table probe
41”x 21”x20” travel


K3 Vertical Milling Machine w/ Prototrak SMX Control
48” Table, Variable Speed Head
Quick Change Tooling


2ea HARDINGE HLVH Tool Room Lathe

w/ TRAV-A- DIAL Endless Indicator on Bed
Starrett .0001 Indicator on Cross Slide
Hardinge Quick Change Tooling System
Fully Tooled

Mazak QTN 250 MSY

Nexus smooth control 
10” chuck 4000 RPM main spindle
6” chuck 6000RPM sub spindle
12 station turret with live tooling
3.15” bar capacity
Parts catcher
100mm Y axis


1ea HARIG Super 612

w/ Walker Ceramax Magnetic Chuck

1ea BALDOR Diamond Wheel Grinder

1ea HARIG Angle & Radius Dresser


1ea MARVEL Series 8 Mark II Saw w/ Automatic Table

1ea Clausing Kalamazoo

28” bandsaw

1ea RIDGID 14” Abrasive Cutoff Machine

1ea MILLER & CROWNINGSHIELD Horizontal Cutoff Machine


1ea SUNNEN Model 1600 Honing Machine

Mandrills from .050 – 2.375


1ea MILLER 250 AMP Synchrowave TIG Welder

1ea MILLER 200 AMP MIG Welder w/ 35 lb. Wire Feed


7525si 7 Axis Hexagon absolute scanning arm

1ea BROWN & SHARPE Gage 2000 CMM

Reflex Software 18”x20”x16” XYZ travel 3axis Accuracy .0004, .0002 Repeatability

1ea DELTRONIC DH14 Optical Comparator

10x 20x 50x lenses

1ea 14” BROWN & SHARPE Micro-Hite Inspection Machine

.0001 Accuracy & Resolution

2ea 24” BROWN & SHARPE Tesa-Hite Inspection Machine

.0002 Accuracy & Resolution

2ea 36” x 48” DoALL Granite Inspection Plate

1ea 24” x 36” STARRETT Inspection Grade Surface Plate

1ea 18” x 24” BROWN & SHARPE Granite Inspection Plate

3ea 12” x 18” Granite Inspection Plate

1ea BROWN & SHARPE Transfer Stand

1ea DRAPER 12” Height Gage

1ea .031 – 1” Deltronic Pin Sets by 1/16” Increments

1ea 2mm – 16mm Deltronic Pin Sets by 1mm Increments

1ea MITUTOYO 81 Piece Block Set

BOWER 3 Point Internal Micrometer set .7500 – 6.0000
Gage Pins .010 – 1.000
MITUTOYO 40” Verniers .001 graduation
MITUTOYO 80” Verniers .001 graduation



1ea 5000 LB. TOYOTA Forklift w/ 189” Lift

2 Ultrasonic cleaners  of multiple sizes

2ea Dual Wheel Pedestal Grinder w/ 6” Capacity

1ea 8” Custom Sanding & Polishing Machine

1ea 55 Ton Hydraulic Press

1ea 18” GREENERD Arbor Press w/ 5 Ton Capacity

1ea 6” GREENERD Arbor Press w/ 1 Ton Capacity

2ea BAUSCH & LOMB Microscope w/ Stereo Zoom 4

1ea Di-ACRO 24” Finger Brake

1ea Di-ACRO 12” Hand Shear

2 ea Burr King Vibra King 200X tumbler

1 ea DualDraw BG3060 Downdraft table

Contact us and get a free quote!